braces in denver, orthodontist in greenwood village

Iritani Orthodontics | Your Orthodontist in Greenwood Village

If you're considering orthodontic treatment in Denver. Understanding the different types of braces available can help you make an informed decision. Braces are not just a tool for improving dental health but also a way to gain confidence in your smile. Each type has benefits, depending on your orthodontic needs and lifestyle preferences.

  1. Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces are the most recognized type of orthodontics. They consist of high-grade stainless steel brackets and wires that are visible on the front of the teeth. Metal braces are particularly effective for correcting complex dental issues. They are also typically the most cost-effective option, making them popular among all ages.

  1. Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces function similarly to metal braces but are designed with clear or tooth-colored brackets. This makes them less noticeable, offering an aesthetic alternative for those concerned about the visibility of their braces. They are popular among older teenagers and adults seeking a more discreet orthodontic solution. However, ceramic braces require meticulous maintenance to prevent staining and are generally more expensive than traditional braces.

  1. Aligners

Clear aligners involve a series of removable trays that gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Each aligner is custom-made using advanced 3D computer imaging technology. This option is especially popular, as it allows you to eat and drink what you like during treatment by simply removing the aligners. Removable aligners is best suited for adults and teens with mild to moderate orthodontic issues.

  1. Two-Phase Orthodontics and Early Orthodontic Treatment

This orthodontic treatment is a specialized process that involves two separate periods of treatment. The first phase is conducted while the child still has most primary teeth. This phase aims to treat bite and jaw alignment issues early on, potentially reducing the need for future corrections. 

The second phase usually begins once permanent teeth erupt, focusing on final alignment and positioning. Early orthodontic treatment, recommended for some children as young as seven, can be crucial for addressing developmental concerns that might lead to more complex issues later.

How to Choose What Braces Are Right For You?

Choosing the right braces for your orthodontic needs involves considering various factors such as your dental condition, lifestyle, budget, and personal preferences. Start by consulting with Iritani Orthodontics, your orthodontist in Greenwood Village, who can comprehensively evaluate your teeth and jaw alignment. 

Discuss the pros and cons of each type of brace—metal, ceramic, or Invisalign—and how they align with your daily activities and aesthetic desires. Also, consider each option's maintenance requirements, treatment duration, and financial investment. A proactive approach and clear communication with your orthodontist are vital to selecting the most effective and comfortable braces for your journey to a perfect smile.

What is the best age to visit an orthodontist?

The ideal time for a first visit to the orthodontist is typically by the age of 7. This early evaluation is crucial as it allows the orthodontist to detect and assess any orthodontic issues that might not be visible to the untrained eye. 

Early detection of conditions such as jaw misalignment, crowding, or irregular spacing can significantly enhance the effectiveness of treatments, possibly simplifying future procedures and achieving better results. This proactive approach helps plan ahead and, if necessary, begin preventive treatments that guide the growth and development of the jaw and teeth.

How long does orthodontic treatment usually take?

Orthodontic treatment duration varies significantly among individuals, but generally, it ranges from 18 to 30 months. The specific length of treatment depends on the severity of the dental issues, the type of braces used, the patient's age, and their adherence to the orthodontist's instructions. 

Regular appointments are crucial to adjust the braces and monitor progress, and diligently following the orthodontist's care instructions can also significantly affect the speed and effectiveness of the treatment. In some complex cases, treatment might extend beyond the usual timeframe to achieve the desired results.

Why Choose an Orthodontist in Greenwood Village?

Choosing an experienced orthodontist in Greenwood Village ensures you receive comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs. Specialists in this area are equipped with the latest technologies and have a deep understanding of the various types of braces and their applications. This knowledge is crucial for achieving the best outcomes in your orthodontic treatment.

Looking for Braces in Denver? Choose an Orthodontist in Greenwood Village

Deciding to get braces is a significant step towards improving your dental health and achieving the smile you've always wanted. If you're considering braces in Denver and looking for an orthodontist in Greenwood Village, consult Iritani Orthodontics to explore options. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about how the different types of braces can benefit you and start your journey to a healthier, more beautiful smile. Visit us online or call our office to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

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